Julia walked into the library and found Liesel Elizabeth reading a book. There were cookies and milk laid out on the table before her.
“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t know you were here.” Said Julia.
“It’s alright,” said Liesel Elizabeth, “I’m waiting for Savannah. It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m going to treat her with cookies and milk.”
“I envy you and Savannah,” sighed Julia, “being such sweethearts and all.”“Well,” replied Liesel Elizabeth, “I envy you your close
bond with Samantha.”
“We may be close,” Julia said, “But I wish I had someone who would give me Valentines.”
“You’ve never gotten a Valentine?” asked Liesel Elizabeth, “Not even from Samantha?”
“Here,” said Liesel Elizabeth, “this is for you.” And she handed Julia a Valentine that was
lying on the table.
“Isn’t this for Savannah?” asked Julia, a little surprised.
“We’ve given each other lots of Valentines, and I have cookies and milk for her in abundance.”
Julia took it and looked at it.
“But it says, ‘To My Valentine’.”
Liesel Elizabeth looked Julia in the eyes and smiled. “Yes, it does, doesn’t it?”
Julia opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment,
Savannah came in, carrying a box of Valentine’s chocolates.
“Here’s where you’re hiding, Dear!” she said, merrily, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Darling!” said Liesel Elizabeth.
Savannah put the chocolates down on the table.
“Oh, my! Cookies and milk! How sweet, literally.” Savannah was delighted.
“Come sit down and have some.” said Liesel Elizabeth.
“I will!” Savannah turned to Julia, “Would like to join us? I’ll run and get another glass.”
Julia demurred. “Two
is company, three is a crowd. Happy
Valentine’s Day, both of you. And thank
you, Liesel.”
Savannah sat and helped herself to a cookie while Liesel
Elizabeth poured their glasses.
“Thank you so much, Liesel,” smiled Savannah, “You are my one and only sweetheart!”
Liesel Elizabeth smiled as well. “You are my sweetheart, too.”