Monday, February 13, 2023

Valentine Soap Opera (The Dolls of Our Lives)

Liesel Elizabeth was sitting in her room with a good book, when there was a knock at her door.  Julia came in.

“What brings you here?” Liesel asked.

Julia took a deep breath and then held out a box of chocolates and a fancy card.

“These are for you,” she said, nervously, “Will you please be my Valentine?”



Liesel stood up and took them.  “The card is beautiful, Julia.” 



She set them on the bed and put the card in her book.  Then she turned back to Julia.



“Of course I’ll be your Valentine, if you will be mine.”

“I’ve been afraid to say anything, knowing how close you are with Savannah,” Julia said, “I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but I had to say something to you about how I feel.”



Liesel held her close.  “You know I feel the same way.”

“But Savannah . . .”

“She’s not here right now.”



But she was.

“Liesel!  What on earth is going on?” Savannah cried.



They turned to face Savannah.  Julia stammered.

“I just came by to . . .” she managed to say.

Liesel held up the box of chocolates.  “She brought these.” she said, calmly.



“Chocolates?  My favorite kind!”  Savannah took the box.  “You brought these as a Valentine gift for Liesel and me?  How kind of you to honor our relationship in such a thoughtful manner.  I feel like hugging you, too!”



And she did.



“I’ll take these down to the parlor and get a pitcher of milk and three glasses.  Julia, you must share these with us.  Come right down, both of you!”

Savannah hurried out of the room.



Julia and Liesel looked at each other.  Julia whispered, “I really don’t want anyone to get . . .”

Liesel stopped her.  “Shh!  Let’s go share some chocolates.”



Hand in hand they went to the parlor.