Julia had been looking for Liesel Elizabeth all over the house and finally found her sitting in the day room. Julia was rather confused, since Liesel Elizabeth, whom everyone knew was sweethearts with Savannah, had given her a valentine the year before, accompanied by a warm smile and no explanation. She approached shyly, which was unusual for her; she was not normally a shy girl.
“Julia,” said Liesel Elizabeth, “what can I do for you?”
Julia shuffled her feet and cleared her throat. “Well, Liesel, it’s like this. Do you remember last Valentine’s Day, when you gave me a valentine because I said I had never gotten one?”
“Oh, yes!” replied Liesel Elizabeth, “I remember that very well.”
“Well,” Julia said, “I have something I’d like to give you.” And she held out a valentine.
Liesel Elizabeth got up and went to her and took the
card. “Why, how pretty!” she said, “And
it says, ‘To My Valentine’, just like the card I gave you last year!”
Julia blushed a bit. “I was surprised by that, because I always thought that Savannah was your one and only Valentine.”
Liesel Elizabeth smiled but did not say anything. She put the card on the table, and turning
back to Julia, took her by both hands.
“I wish I had a valentine to give you today. But if I did, I would.” She looked deep into Julia’s eyes. “But what I can give you should express the
same sentiment.”
She took Julia in her arms and held her close.
Then, releasing her, picked up the card. “I’ll go put this in a special place in my
room. Then I have to go downstairs for
tea. Savannah is fixing me a special
Valentine’s Day treat.” She squeezed
Julia’s hand. “Thank you so much, this
means a lot to me.”
Julia stammered, “T-t-to me, too.”
Liesel Elizabeth swept out of the room, leaving Julia more
confused than ever
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