It was Christmas Eve, and after supper, Katherine Alyse and
Mia Bella were in the parlor having hot chocolate and cookies. And Lo! Jane appeared unto them.
“Be not afraid!” she shouted.
“Jane,” inquired Katherine Alyse, “why are you dressed like that?”
Leah joined them.
“Jane and I are involved in the children’s nativity pageant at St.
Anne’s Episcopal Church.”
“I am portraying the Angel of the Lord.” Jane explained.
“And I am directing it,” said Leah, “I offered Jane the role of Mary, but she turned it down.”
“For to personate the Blessed Virgin,” Jane said, “smacks of Mariolatry. I know that is not a big deal in this day and age, but hard it is how old habits do die.”
“Besides,” Jane went on, “I know the Angel of the Lord’s speech
down pat, having heard it read all my life.”
“Let’s hear you do it,” said Mia Bella.
not afrayed, for behold, I bring you tidinges of great joy, that shal come to
al people: for unto you is borne this daie in the cytie of David a saviour, which
is Christ the lorde. And take this for a signe: ye shall fynde the childe
wrapped in swadlyng clothes, and layde in a maungier.”
“Glory to God on hye, and peace on the yearth, and unto men a good wyll!”
Merry Christmas to all from the Girls of the Big House by the Park!
(The Book of Common Prayer, 1559)
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