Monday, February 13, 2023

Valentine Soap Opera (The Dolls of Our Lives)

Liesel Elizabeth was sitting in her room with a good book, when there was a knock at her door.  Julia came in.

“What brings you here?” Liesel asked.

Julia took a deep breath and then held out a box of chocolates and a fancy card.

“These are for you,” she said, nervously, “Will you please be my Valentine?”



Liesel stood up and took them.  “The card is beautiful, Julia.” 



She set them on the bed and put the card in her book.  Then she turned back to Julia.



“Of course I’ll be your Valentine, if you will be mine.”

“I’ve been afraid to say anything, knowing how close you are with Savannah,” Julia said, “I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but I had to say something to you about how I feel.”



Liesel held her close.  “You know I feel the same way.”

“But Savannah . . .”

“She’s not here right now.”



But she was.

“Liesel!  What on earth is going on?” Savannah cried.



They turned to face Savannah.  Julia stammered.

“I just came by to . . .” she managed to say.

Liesel held up the box of chocolates.  “She brought these.” she said, calmly.



“Chocolates?  My favorite kind!”  Savannah took the box.  “You brought these as a Valentine gift for Liesel and me?  How kind of you to honor our relationship in such a thoughtful manner.  I feel like hugging you, too!”



And she did.



“I’ll take these down to the parlor and get a pitcher of milk and three glasses.  Julia, you must share these with us.  Come right down, both of you!”

Savannah hurried out of the room.



Julia and Liesel looked at each other.  Julia whispered, “I really don’t want anyone to get . . .”

Liesel stopped her.  “Shh!  Let’s go share some chocolates.”



Hand in hand they went to the parlor.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Be Not Afraid!

It was Christmas Eve, and after supper, Katherine Alyse and Mia Bella were in the parlor having hot chocolate and cookies.  And Lo!  Jane appeared unto them.

“Be not afraid!” she shouted.

“Jane,” inquired Katherine Alyse, “why are you dressed like that?”

 Leah joined them.  “Jane and I are involved in the children’s nativity pageant at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church.”

“I am portraying the Angel of the Lord.” Jane explained.

“And I am directing it,” said Leah, “I offered Jane the role of Mary, but she turned it down.”

“For to personate the Blessed Virgin,” Jane said, “smacks of Mariolatry.  I know that is not a big deal in this day and age, but hard it is how old habits do die.”

 “Besides,” Jane went on, “I know the Angel of the Lord’s speech down pat, having heard it read all my life.”

“Let’s hear you do it,” said Mia Bella.

  “Be not afrayed, for behold, I bring you tidinges of great joy, that shal come to al people: for unto you is borne this daie in the cytie of David a saviour, which is Christ the lorde. And take this for a signe: ye shall fynde the childe wrapped in swadlyng clothes, and layde in a maungier.”


“Glory to God on hye, and peace on the yearth, and unto men a good wyll!”

Merry Christmas to all from the Girls of the Big House by the Park!

(The Book of Common Prayer, 1559)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thanksgiving Preparations

 Thanksgiving Morning, and Samantha and Nellie were hard at work in the kitchen, getting a day’s-worth of cooking underway.  Julia came into the kitchen, in the company of her cousin, Melissa.

“Happy Thanksgiving, girls,” said Julia, “You remember my cousin, Melissa, from Fridley, Minnesota?”

“Ah, yes,” said Nellie, “The fair-haired flirt!”

“Nellie!”  Samantha scolded, “That’s not a nice thing to say!”

Melissa laughed.  “Not to worry, Samantha.  That is a soubriquet I am proud to own.”

“Melissa will be joining us for Thanksgiving.”  Julia went on.  “She was visiting boring relatives in New York City and took the train up here to have a livelier time with us.”

“There will be plenty of room for another place setting,” said Samantha, “and there’s more than enough food.”

“But I should be helping you,” said Melissa, “What needs doing?  Dicing carrots?  Shelling peas?”

“You’re a guest,” Nellie responded, “and you don’t need to do anything but be fed and entertained.”

“I feel I ought to do something for my brown bread and butter,” said Melissa, “But I don’t want to get in the way.”

Nellie smiled, “It’s a big kitchen, and there’s room for us all.  If you’d really like to help, how are your pie-making skills?”

Melissa laughed again.  “Why, pumpkin pie is my specialty!  No Thanksgiving table is complete without one!”

She set to work at once.

“Ask anyone in Fridley, Minnesota, and they’ll tell you, Melissa Gotz’s pumpkin pies are the absolute best!”


Sunday, July 31, 2022


The water of Goose Lake was choppy and the steamer was late, but Samantha and Nellie finally arrived at the dock at Piney Point and made their way up to the cabins.

 “Shall we set up housekeeping in one of the small cabins?” asked Nellie.

“I’d rather not,” answered Samantha, “The beds are lumpy and the roofs sometimes leak.”


They were agreed to move into the Lodge, so they could each have a room to themselves and be close to the kitchen.


They quickly settled into a casual routine.  They hiked the forest trails.


They made the traditional annual visit to the site of Fort Augusta Sophia to lay flowers on little Charlotte Fitzwarren’s grave.


Then they had a nice picnic nearby.


They carried out a new tradition and left out a bowl of bread and milk on Midsummer’s Eve so that the fairies would leave them alone for another year.


They were not surprised the next morning to find the bowl empty.


One particularly lazy afternoon, Samantha found Nellie sitting outside the Lodge with a very frivolous book.

“It is highly unusual,” she said, “for so little to happen while we are here.  No one has gotten lost, we weren’t attacked by angry fairies, and we haven’t discovered any long-lost graves.”

“I’m perfectly content,” replied Nellie, “to just relax in the woods by the water, and not read anything challenging or improving.”


So that is what she did.