Monday, September 12, 2016

Meet the Girls

Samantha Parkington
Samantha has all the memories of her experiences in her canon books, but lives in a parallel doll world where it is always 1904, and peopled exclusively with dolls.  Samantha and Julia are the heads of the household at the Big House by the Park.  Samantha is Alpha Female, and Julia is Beta Female, and all the others look to them for guidance and to keep the household running smoothly.  Presumably, Grandmary and Admiral Bemis still live in Mount Bedford, just south of Kisco Hills, and Uncle Gard and Aunt Cornelia, and Bridget and Jenny live in New York City, but they do not have anything to do with the lives of the girls at the Big House by the Park.

                                                                       Julia Gotz

Julia is co-head with Samantha of the household at the Big House by the Park.  Julia does more work than Samantha in the actual managing of the household; if Samantha is “Head of State”, Julia is “Prime Minister.”  She introduced Samantha and the other girls to the teachings and tenets of the Theosophical Society, and probably takes it the most seriously.  She is accorded great respect by the others, and has been called on from time to time to act as peacemaker.

                                                                  Nellie O'Malley

Like Samantha, Nellie remembers everything that happened to her in her canon books, but is glad to be living with other girls in the Big House by the Park, and not have to deal with the grown-ups who had been trying to run her life.  She came later to the household and at first had a hard time, since Samantha, her best friend and surrogate sister, had established a strong bond of friendship with Julia.  But after some adjustment, the three of them get along fine, and there is no jealousy or rivalry between her and Julia over Samantha.  Nellie has made herself a fixture of life in Kisco Hills, and is as welcome in the junk shop and Donovan’s Saloon as she is in more respectable establishments.

 Jane deLacey

Jane deLacey is an Elizabethan girl from 1594, the daughter of a great lord, living at deLacey Hall, near the village of Poppets Revel, Warwickshire.  Unhappy with her life there, she found herself suddenly and unexpectedly supratemporally transmigrated to the Big House by the Park.  Warmly welcomed by Samantha, Julia, Nellie, and the other girls who live there, she has had to learn about life in the Twentieth Century, which hasn’t always been easy or fun.  She has had to re-learn many things she had assumed were true, has had to cope with living in the same house with a Roman Catholic, Nellie, but has become best friends with Gila, the Jewish immigrant girl.  She is delighted to be living in the Modern World and all the wonders it holds for her, and she has even been re-united with her beloved doll, Nell.  She is learning to speak colloquial modern English, but hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet.  

 Gila Gali

Gila is from Lialkadorf, a small, poverty-stricken shtetl in Poland, and her family sent her to live in America so that she could have a better life, free from starvation and the threat of pogroms.  She was taken in by the girls in the Big House by the Park, and made herself at home at once.  She would keep kosher if she could, but is just glad to have regular meals.  She spoke only Yiddish at first, and still has problems with English.  She is best friends with Jane deLacey.  As they were both from backgrounds very different from the other girls, they bonded with each other, and spending so much time together, developed their own private language, “Elizabyiddish.”

Leah Tolly
At ten, Leah is the eldest of the girls who live in the Big House by the Park, and as such, she knows more and has taken on the responsibility of teaching the girls their lessons every day, and helping them with their schoolwork.  She is the most bookish of the girls, and she and Samantha spend a lot of time in the local public library.  She can always be counted on to come up with some interesting bit of trivia, or solve out perplexing conundrums.  She is the closest companion of Clarice, who, at eight, is the youngest of the girls.  Leah looks after her in a big-sisterly kind of way.

 Clarice Berenguer

Clarice is only eight, and the youngest of the girls in the Big House by the Park, and as she is so sweet and cute, she is made much of by the other girls.  She enjoys this attention without becoming spoiled; she has the example of all the even-tempered, fair, and sharing girls around her.  She is the special pet of Leah, who looks after her like a big sister.

 Liesel Elizabeth Ott

Liesel Elizabeth is probably the most private of the girls who live in the Big House by the Park.  She holds herself apart from the other girls for the most part, but joins in activities with them gladly and enthusiastically when asked to; she’s not unfriendly.  She sees herself as stylish, though not fashionable.  She is particularly close with Savannah; the two have a bond much deeper and affectionate than just best friends; they are as much in love as two nine-year-old girls can be.  She comes up with plans and ideas for the two of them, and Savannah goes along with them.

 Savannah Comte-Heritage

Savannah is proud of her French ancestry, so she has learned to speak French, which she teaches to the other girls as part of their home schooling.  She is devoted to her sweetheart, Liesel Elizabeth. Cautious as she is, she is willing to go along with Liesel Elizabeth in just about anything, from paying calls on the neighbors on Christmas Day, to treasure hunting in the Adirondacks.

 Katherine Alyse Ashley

Katherine Alyse lives to look good, she subscribes to The Delineator, La Mode Illustrée, and several other fashion magazines; these represent the depth of her literary pursuits.  Tea parties, picnics, strolls through the park, shopping for frocks and hats, these represent the major part of her active pursuits.  The other girls could make fun of her, but she is the arbiter of taste and style for the household, and acquires and cares for their communal wardrobe. The others are very pleased to have little choice but to dress in high fashion; every girl wants to look her best!  Her best friend is Mia Bella, and they share a similar passion for fashion.

 Mia Bella Alexander

Mia Bella stopped by the Big House by the Park for a New Year’s Day Visit, met Katherine Alyse, and decided to stay.  The two of them share a love of the latest fashions, and enable each other’s fashionable and trendy obsessions.  Other than that, and her cute good looks, there’s not much to the poor girl’s personality.

 Bailey Battat

Bailey was sort of the odd-one-out among the girls at the Big House by the Park, everyone’s second-best friend, although never ignored or made to feel left out by the others.  But then her second cousin, Kelly Ann, came  to stay and is now Bailey's best friend.  Bailey is always there, ready to help out in any way she can; making up a fourth for a hand of euchre, helping in the kitchen or school room, quietly going about her daily chores unobtrusively.  She and Kelly share a room with Jane deLacey, which can be something of a challenge on occasion, but which she bears with a good will.

 Kelly Ann Battat

Kelly is Bailey's second cousin, from Montreal, and came to visit for Thanksgiving and was offered the opportunity to stay and be Bailey's best friend.  Kelly enthusiastically agreed.  She is the thirteenth member of the family at the Big House, but she considers this to be magic rather than bad luck.  She has an interest in ceremonial magic, and wants to start a sub-sub-splinter group of the Order of the Golden Dawn with some of the other girls.